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Arena Bowl 2025

This is advance notice that the 10th Annual Arena Bowl Tournament will be held on Saturday & Sunday, June 7 & 8. Registration will begin in late April on this website.


SCPA members only - need to Join or Renew?

Gibsons & Area Community Centre

June 7, 10 am to 4 pm 

June 8, 10 am to 4 pm


Begins late April

1. Your partner must register within 5 days of your registration, otherwise you will be moved to the wait list.
artners must register at the level of the highest rated partner. 
2. If your preferred event is missing in the registration form it means that the event is full. There is a provision on the form for you to add your name to the wait list and to indicate your preferred event.

3. Event schedules and groups will be emailed after registration is complete.

4. It is essential that you sign-in at least 15 minutes before your scheduled event

Payment of the registration fee is by credit or debit card at the point of registration. 
Each player buys 1 ticket

Registration Deadline: TBD


Round robin format with prizes for the first, second and third place teams in each category. Prizes will be based on the # of wins. If teams are tied for the number of wins, prizes will be based on total points. Games will be played first to 11. Franklin X-40 outdoor ball.

Minimum # of teams per event is 5 or the event will likely be cancelled. We may run an event with only 4 teams - if so there will be a double or triple round. Maximum # of teams per event is 7, after which there will be a wait list. We will split an event into two pools (A & B) if there is sufficient demand (10 to 14 teams overall), assuming we don't oversubscribe our allotted per day play time for the tournament.


The SCPA reserves the right to move players up to a higher level if the tournament committee judges that necessary based on recent observed play. 


Light refreshments (veggies, fruit, muffins) will be provided free at the arena courtesy of our grocery store sponsors and the SCPA.  Restaurants nearby.


We promise you will have some great games and a lot of fun! 


To put on an event like this we need lots of help - we will need volunteers for specific areas,
such as the check-in table, and runners to round up the players for each event. 

Please contact Tournament Director, Brian Chipman, at

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